2.6 URLs

This specification defines the term URL, and defines various algorithms for dealing with URLs, because for historical reasons the rules defined by the URI and IRI specifications are not a complete description of what HTML user agents need to implement to be compatible with Web content.

The term "URL" in this specification is used in a manner distinct from the precise technical meaning it is given in RFC 3986. Readers familiar with that RFC will find it easier to read this specification if they pretend the term "URL" as used herein is really called something else altogether. This is a willful violation of RFC 3986. [RFC3986]

2.6.1 Terminology

A URL is a string used to identify a resource.

A URL is a valid URL if at least one of the following conditions holds:

A string is a valid non-empty URL if it is a valid URL but it is not the empty string.

A string is a valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces if, after stripping leading and trailing whitespace from it, it is a valid URL.

A string is a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces if, after stripping leading and trailing whitespace from it, it is a valid non-empty URL.

This specification defines the URL about:legacy-compat as a reserved, though unresolvable, about: URI, for use in DOCTYPEs in HTML documents when needed for compatibility with XML tools. [ABOUT]

This specification defines the URL about:srcdoc as a reserved, though unresolvable, about: URI, that is used as the document's address of iframe srcdoc documents. [ABOUT]

2.6.2 Parsing URLs

To parse a URL url into its component parts, the user agent must use the following steps:

  1. Strip leading and trailing whitespace from url.

  2. Parse url in the manner defined by RFC 3986, with the following exceptions:

    • Add all characters with code points less than or equal to U+0020 or greater than or equal to U+007F to the <unreserved> production.
    • Add the characters U+0022, U+003C, U+003E, U+005B .. U+005E, U+0060, and U+007B .. U+007D to the <unreserved> production.
    • Add a single U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character as a second alternative way of matching the <pct-encoded> production, except when the <pct-encoded> is used in the <reg-name> production.
    • Add the U+0023 NUMBER SIGN character to the characters allowed in the <fragment> production.
  3. If url doesn't match the <URI-reference> production, even after the above changes are made to the ABNF definitions, then parsing the URL fails with an error. [RFC3986]

    Otherwise, parsing url was successful; the components of the URL are substrings of url defined as follows:


    The substring matched by the <scheme> production, if any.


    The substring matched by the <host> production, if any.


    The substring matched by the <port> production, if any.


    If there is a <scheme> component and a <port> component and the port given by the <port> component is different than the default port defined for the protocol given by the <scheme> component, then <hostport> is the substring that starts with the substring matched by the <host> production and ends with the substring matched by the <port> production, and includes the colon in between the two. Otherwise, it is the same as the <host> component.


    The substring matched by one of the following productions, if one of them was matched:

    • <path-abempty>
    • <path-absolute>
    • <path-noscheme>
    • <path-rootless>
    • <path-empty>

    The substring matched by the <query> production, if any.


    The substring matched by the <fragment> production, if any.


    The substring that follows the substring matched by the <authority> production, or the whole string if the <authority> production wasn't matched.

These parsing rules are a willful violation of RFC 3986 and RFC 3987 (which do not define error handling), motivated by a desire to handle legacy content. [RFC3986] [RFC3987]

2.6.3 Resolving URLs

Resolving a URL is the process of taking a relative URL and obtaining the absolute URL that it implies.

To resolve a URL to an absolute URL relative to either another absolute URL or an element, the user agent must use the following steps. Resolving a URL can result in an error, in which case the URL is not resolvable.

  1. Let url be the URL being resolved.

  2. Let encoding be determined as follows:

    If the URL had a character encoding defined when the URL was created or defined
    The URL character encoding is as defined.
    If the URL came from a script (e.g. as an argument to a method)
    The URL character encoding is the script's URL character encoding.
    If the URL came from a DOM node (e.g. from an element)
    The node has a Document, and the URL character encoding is the document's character encoding.
  3. If encoding is a UTF-16 encoding, then change the value of encoding to UTF-8.

  4. If the algorithm was invoked with an absolute URL to use as the base URL, let base be that absolute URL.

    Otherwise, let base be the base URI of the element, as defined by the XML Base specification, with the base URI of the document entity being defined as the document base URL of the Document that owns the element. [XMLBASE]

    For the purposes of the XML Base specification, user agents must act as if all Document objects represented XML documents.

    It is possible for xml:base attributes to be present even in HTML fragments, as such attributes can be added dynamically using script. (Such scripts would not be conforming, however, as xml:base attributes are not allowed in HTML documents.)

    The document base URL of a Document object is the absolute URL obtained by running these substeps:

    1. Let fallback base url be the document's address.

    2. If fallback base url is about:blank, and the Document's browsing context has a creator browsing context, then let fallback base url be the document base URL of the creator Document instead.

    3. If the Document is an iframe srcdoc document, then let fallback base url be the document base URL of the Document's browsing context's browsing context container's Document instead.

    4. If there is no base element that has an href attribute, then the document base URL is fallback base url; abort these steps. Otherwise, let url be the value of the href attribute of the first such element.

    5. Resolve url relative to fallback base url (thus, the base href attribute isn't affected by xml:base attributes).

    6. The document base URL is the result of the previous step if it was successful; otherwise it is fallback base url.

  5. Parse url into its component parts.

  6. If parsing url resulted in a <host> component, then replace the matching substring of url with the string that results from expanding any sequences of percent-encoded octets in that component that are valid UTF-8 sequences into Unicode characters as defined by UTF-8.

    If any percent-encoded octets in that component are not valid UTF-8 sequences (e.g. sequences of percent-encoded octets that expand to surrogate code points), then return an error and abort these steps.

    Apply the IDNA ToASCII algorithm to the matching substring, with both the AllowUnassigned and UseSTD3ASCIIRules flags set. Replace the matching substring with the result of the ToASCII algorithm.

    If ToASCII fails to convert one of the components of the string, e.g. because it is too long or because it contains invalid characters, then return an error and abort these steps. [RFC3490]

  7. If parsing url resulted in a <path> component, then replace the matching substring of url with the string that results from applying the following steps to each character other than U+0025 PERCENT SIGN (%) that doesn't match the original <path> production defined in RFC 3986:

    1. Encode the character into a sequence of octets as defined by UTF-8.
    2. Replace the character with the percent-encoded form of those octets. [RFC3986]

    For instance if url was "//example.com/a^b☺c%FFd%z/?e", then the <path> component's substring would be "/a^b☺c%FFd%z/" and the two characters that would have to be escaped would be "^" and "". The result after this step was applied would therefore be that url now had the value "//example.com/a%5Eb%E2%98%BAc%FFd%z/?e".

  8. If parsing url resulted in a <query> component, then replace the matching substring of url with the string that results from applying the following steps to each character other than U+0025 PERCENT SIGN (%) that doesn't match the original <query> production defined in RFC 3986:

    1. If the character in question cannot be expressed in the encoding encoding, then replace it with a single 0x3F octet (an ASCII question mark) and skip the remaining substeps for this character.
    2. Encode the character into a sequence of octets as defined by the encoding encoding.
    3. Replace the character with the percent-encoded form of those octets. [RFC3986]
  9. Apply the algorithm described in RFC 3986 section 5.2 Relative Resolution, using url as the potentially relative URI reference (R), and base as the base URI (Base). [RFC3986]

  10. Apply any relevant conformance criteria of RFC 3986 and RFC 3987, returning an error and aborting these steps if appropriate. [RFC3986] [RFC3987]

    For instance, if an absolute URI that would be returned by the above algorithm violates the restrictions specific to its scheme, e.g. a data: URI using the "//" server-based naming authority syntax, then user agents are to treat this as an error instead.

  11. Let result be the target URI (T) returned by the Relative Resolution algorithm.

  12. If result uses a scheme with a server-based naming authority, replace all U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS (\) characters in result with U+002F SOLIDUS (/) characters.

  13. Return result.

Some of the steps in these rules, for example the processing of U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS (\) characters, are a willful violation of RFC 3986 and RFC 3987, motivated by a desire to handle legacy content. [RFC3986] [RFC3987]

A URL is an absolute URL if resolving it results in the same output regardless of what it is resolved relative to, and that output is not a failure.

An absolute URL is a hierarchical URL if, when resolved and then parsed, there is a character immediately after the <scheme> component and it is a U+002F SOLIDUS character (/).

An absolute URL is an authority-based URL if, when resolved and then parsed, there are two characters immediately after the <scheme> component and they are both U+002F SOLIDUS characters (//).

2.6.4 URL manipulation and creation

To fragment-escape a string input, a user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Let input be the string to be escaped.

  2. Let position point at the first character of input.

  3. Let output be an empty string.

  4. Loop: If position is past the end of input, then jump to the step labeled end.

  5. If the character in input pointed to by position is in the range U+0000 to U+0020 or is one of the following characters:

    • U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character (")
    • U+0023 NUMBER SIGN character (#)
    • U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character (%)
    • U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character (<)
    • U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>)
    • U+005B LEFT SQUARE BRACKET character ([)
    • U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS character (\)
    • U+005D RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET character (])
    • U+005E CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT character (^)
    • U+007B LEFT CURLY BRACKET character ({)
    • U+007C VERTICAL LINE character (|)
    • U+007D RIGHT CURLY BRACKET character (})

    ...then append the percent-encoded form of the character to output. [RFC3986]

    Otherwise, append the character itself to output.

    This escapes any ASCII characters that are not valid in the URI <fragment> production without being escaped.

  6. Advance position to the next character in input.

  7. Return to the step labeled loop.

  8. End: Return output.

2.6.5 Dynamic changes to base URLs

When an xml:base attribute is set, changed, or removed, the attribute's element, and all descendant elements, are affected by a base URL change.

When a document's document base URL changes, all elements in that document are affected by a base URL change.

The following are base URL change steps, which run when an element is affected by a base URL change (as defined by the DOM Core specification):

If the element creates a hyperlink

If the absolute URL identified by the hyperlink is being shown to the user, or if any data derived from that URL is affecting the display, then the href attribute should be re-resolved relative to the element and the UI updated appropriately.

For example, the CSS :link/:visited pseudo-classes might have been affected.

If the hyperlink has a ping attribute and its absolute URL(s) are being shown to the user, then the ping attribute's tokens should be re-resolved relative to the element and the UI updated appropriately.

If the element is a q, blockquote, ins, or del element with a cite attribute

If the absolute URL identified by the cite attribute is being shown to the user, or if any data derived from that URL is affecting the display, then the URL should be re-resolved relative to the element and the UI updated appropriately.


The element is not directly affected.

For instance, changing the base URL doesn't affect the image displayed by img elements, although subsequent accesses of the src IDL attribute from script will return a new absolute URL that might no longer correspond to the image being shown.

2.6.6 Interfaces for URL manipulation

An interface that has a complement of URL decomposition IDL attributes has seven attributes with the following definitions:

           attribute DOMString protocol;
           attribute DOMString host;
           attribute DOMString hostname;
           attribute DOMString port;
           attribute DOMString pathname;
           attribute DOMString search;
           attribute DOMString hash;
o . protocol [ = value ]

Returns the current scheme of the underlying URL.

Can be set, to change the underlying URL's scheme.

o . host [ = value ]

Returns the current host and port (if it's not the default port) in the underlying URL.

Can be set, to change the underlying URL's host and port.

The host and the port are separated by a colon. The port part, if omitted, will be assumed to be the current scheme's default port.

o . hostname [ = value ]

Returns the current host in the underlying URL.

Can be set, to change the underlying URL's host.

o . port [ = value ]

Returns the current port in the underlying URL.

Can be set, to change the underlying URL's port.

o . pathname [ = value ]

Returns the current path in the underlying URL.

Can be set, to change the underlying URL's path.

o . search [ = value ]

Returns the current query component in the underlying URL.

Can be set, to change the underlying URL's query component.

o . hash [ = value ]

Returns the current fragment identifier in the underlying URL.

Can be set, to change the underlying URL's fragment identifier.

The attributes defined to be URL decomposition IDL attributes must act as described for the attributes with the same corresponding names in this section.

In addition, an interface with a complement of URL decomposition IDL attributes defines an input, which is a URL that the attributes act on, and a common setter action, which is a set of steps invoked when any of the attributes' setters are invoked.

The seven URL decomposition IDL attributes have similar requirements.

On getting, if the input is an absolute URL that fulfills the condition given in the "getter condition" column corresponding to the attribute in the table below, the user agent must return the part of the input URL given in the "component" column, with any prefixes specified in the "prefix" column appropriately added to the start of the string and any suffixes specified in the "suffix" column appropriately added to the end of the string. Otherwise, the attribute must return the empty string.

On setting, the new value must first be mutated as described by the "setter preprocessor" column, then mutated by %-escaping any characters in the new value that are not valid in the relevant component as given by the "component" column. Then, if the input is an absolute URL and the resulting new value fulfills the condition given in the "setter condition" column, the user agent must make a new string output by replacing the component of the URL given by the "component" column in the input URL with the new value; otherwise, the user agent must let output be equal to the input. Finally, the user agent must invoke the common setter action with the value of output.

When replacing a component in the URL, if the component is part of an optional group in the URL syntax consisting of a character followed by the component, the component (including its prefix character) must be included even if the new value is the empty string.

The previous paragraph applies in particular to the ":" before a <port> component, the "?" before a <query> component, and the "#" before a <fragment> component.

For the purposes of the above definitions, URLs must be parsed using the URL parsing rules defined in this specification.

Attribute Component Getter Condition Prefix Suffix Setter Preprocessor Setter Condition
protocol <scheme> U+003A COLON (:) Remove all trailing U+003A COLON characters (:) The new value is not the empty string
host <hostport> input is an authority-based URL The new value is not the empty string and input is an authority-based URL
hostname <host> input is an authority-based URL Remove all leading U+002F SOLIDUS characters (/) The new value is not the empty string and input is an authority-based URL
port <port> input is an authority-based URL, and contained a <port> component (possibly an empty one) Remove all characters in the new value from the first that is not in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), if any. Remove any leading U+0030 DIGIT ZERO characters (0) in the new value. If the resulting string is empty, set it to a single U+0030 DIGIT ZERO character (0). input is an authority-based URL, and the new value, when interpreted as a base-ten integer, is less than or equal to 65535
pathname <path> input is a hierarchical URL If it has no leading U+002F SOLIDUS character (/), prepend a U+002F SOLIDUS character (/) to the new value input is hierarchical
search <query> input is a hierarchical URL, and contained a <query> component (possibly an empty one) U+003F QUESTION MARK (?) Remove one leading U+003F QUESTION MARK character (?), if any input is a hierarchical URL
hash <fragment> input contained a non-empty <fragment> component U+0023 NUMBER SIGN (#) Remove one leading U+0023 NUMBER SIGN character (#), if any

The table below demonstrates how the getter condition for search results in different results depending on the exact original syntax of the URL:

Input URL search value Explanation
http://example.com/ empty string No <query> component in input URL.
http://example.com/? ? There is a <query> component, but it is empty. The question mark in the resulting value is the prefix.
http://example.com/?test ?test The <query> component has the value "test".
http://example.com/?test# ?test The (empty) <fragment> component is not part of the <query> component.

The following table is similar; it provides a list of what each of the URL decomposition IDL attributes returns for a given input URL.

Input protocol host hostname port pathname search hash
http://example.com/carrot#question%3f http: example.com example.com (empty string) /carrot (empty string) #question%3f
https://www.example.com:4443? https: www.example.com:4443 www.example.com 4443 / ? (empty string)

2.7 Fetching resources

When a user agent is to fetch a resource or URL, optionally from an origin origin, and optionally with a synchronous flag, a manual redirect flag, a force same-origin flag, and/or a block cookies flag, the following steps must be run. (When a URL is to be fetched, the URL identifies a resource to be obtained.)

  1. Let document be the appropriate Document as given by the following list:

    When navigating
    The active document of the source browsing context.
    When fetching resources for an element
    The element's Document.
    When fetching resources in response to a call to an API
    The entry script's document.
  2. While document is an iframe srcdoc document, let document be document's browsing context's browsing context container's Document instead.

  3. Generate the address of the resource from which Request-URIs are obtained as required by HTTP for the Referer (sic) header from the document's address of document. [HTTP]

    Remove any <fragment> component from the generated address of the resource from which Request-URIs are obtained.

    If the origin of the appropriate Document is not a scheme/host/port tuple, then the Referer (sic) header must be omitted, regardless of its value.

  4. If the algorithm was not invoked with the synchronous flag, perform the remaining steps asynchronously.

  5. This is the main step.

    If the resource is identified by an absolute URL, and the resource is to be obtained using an idempotent action (such as an HTTP GET or equivalent), and it is already being downloaded for other reasons (e.g. another invocation of this algorithm), and this request would be identical to the previous one (e.g. same Accept and Origin headers), and the user agent is configured such that it is to reuse the data from the existing download instead of initiating a new one, then use the results of the existing download instead of starting a new one.

    Otherwise, if the resource is identified by an absolute URL with a scheme that does not define a mechanism to obtain the resource (e.g. it is a mailto: URL) or that the user agent does not support, then act as if the resource was an HTTP 204 No Content response with no other metadata.

    Otherwise, if the resource is identified by the URL about:blank, then the resource is immediately available and consists of the empty string, with no metadata.

    Otherwise, at a time convenient to the user and the user agent, download (or otherwise obtain) the resource, applying the semantics of the relevant specifications (e.g. performing an HTTP GET or POST operation, or reading the file from disk, dereferencing javascript: URLs, etc).

    For the purposes of the Referer (sic) header, use the address of the resource from which Request-URIs are obtained generated in the earlier step.

    For the purposes of the Origin header, if the fetching algorithm was explicitly initiated from an origin, then the origin that initiated the HTTP request is origin. Otherwise, this is a request from a "privacy-sensitive" context. [ORIGIN]

  6. If the algorithm was not invoked with the block cookies flag, and there are cookies to be set, then the user agent must run the following substeps:

    1. Wait until ownership of the storage mutex can be taken by this instance of the fetching algorithm.

    2. Take ownership of the storage mutex.

    3. Update the cookies. [COOKIES]

    4. Release the storage mutex so that it is once again free.

  7. If the fetched resource is an HTTP redirect or equivalent, then:

    If the force same-origin flag is set and the URL of the target of the redirect does not have the same origin as the URL for which the fetch algorithm was invoked

    Abort these steps and return failure from this algorithm, as if the remote host could not be contacted.

    If the manual redirect flag is set

    Continue, using the fetched resource (the redirect) as the result of the algorithm. If the calling algorithm subsequently requires the user agent to transparently follow the redirect, then the user agent must resume this algorithm from the main step, but using the target of the redirect as the resource to fetch, rather than the original resource.


    First, apply any relevant requirements for redirects (such as showing any appropriate prompts). Then, redo main step, but using the target of the redirect as the resource to fetch, rather than the original resource.

    The HTTP specification requires that 301, 302, and 307 redirects, when applied to methods other than the safe methods, not be followed without user confirmation. That would be an appropriate prompt for the purposes of the requirement in the paragraph above. [HTTP]

  8. If the algorithm was not invoked with the synchronous flag: When the resource is available, or if there is an error of some description, queue a task that uses the resource as appropriate. If the resource can be processed incrementally, as, for instance, with a progressively interlaced JPEG or an HTML file, additional tasks may be queued to process the data as it is downloaded. The task source for these tasks is the networking task source.

    Otherwise, return the resource or error information to the calling algorithm.

If the user agent can determine the actual length of the resource being fetched for an instance of this algorithm, and if that length is finite, then that length is the file's size. Otherwise, the subject of the algorithm (that is, the resource being fetched) has no known size. (For example, the HTTP Content-Length header might provide this information.)

The user agent must also keep track of the number of bytes downloaded for each instance of this algorithm. This number must exclude any out-of-band metadata, such as HTTP headers.

The application cache processing model introduces some changes to the networking model to handle the returning of cached resources.

The navigation processing model handles redirects itself, overriding the redirection handling that would be done by the fetching algorithm.

Whether the type sniffing rules apply to the fetched resource depends on the algorithm that invokes the rules — they are not always applicable.

2.7.1 Protocol concepts

User agents can implement a variety of transfer protocols, but this specification mostly defines behavior in terms of HTTP. [HTTP]

The HTTP GET method is equivalent to the default retrieval action of the protocol. For example, RETR in FTP. Such actions are idempotent and safe, in HTTP terms.

The HTTP response codes are equivalent to statuses in other protocols that have the same basic meanings. For example, a "file not found" error is equivalent to a 404 code, a server error is equivalent to a 5xx code, and so on.

The HTTP headers are equivalent to fields in other protocols that have the same basic meaning. For example, the HTTP authentication headers are equivalent to the authentication aspects of the FTP protocol.

Anything in this specification that refers to HTTP also applies to HTTP-over-TLS, as represented by URLs representing the https scheme.

User agents should report certificate errors to the user and must either refuse to download resources sent with erroneous certificates or must act as if such resources were in fact served with no encryption.

User agents should warn the user that there is a potential problem whenever the user visits a page that the user has previously visited, if the page uses less secure encryption on the second visit.

Not doing so can result in users not noticing man-in-the-middle attacks.

If a user connects to a server with a self-signed certificate, the user agent could allow the connection but just act as if there had been no encryption. If the user agent instead allowed the user to override the problem and then displayed the page as if it was fully and safely encrypted, the user could be easily tricked into accepting man-in-the-middle connections.

If a user connects to a server with full encryption, but the page then refers to an external resource that has an expired certificate, then the user agent will act as if the resource was unavailable, possibly also reporting the problem to the user. If the user agent instead allowed the resource to be used, then an attacker could just look for "secure" sites that used resources from a different host and only apply man-in-the-middle attacks to that host, for example taking over scripts in the page.

If a user bookmarks a site that uses a CA-signed certificate, and then later revisits that site directly but the site has started using a self-signed certificate, the user agent could warn the user that a man-in-the-middle attack is likely underway, instead of simply acting as if the page was not encrypted.

2.7.3 Determining the type of a resource

The Content-Type metadata of a resource must be obtained and interpreted in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Media Type Sniffing specification. [MIMESNIFF]

The sniffed type of a resource must be found in a manner consistent with the requirements given in the Media Type Sniffing specification for finding the sniffed-type of the relevant sequence of octets. [MIMESNIFF]

The rules for sniffing images specifically and the rules for distinguishing if a resource is text or binary are also defined in the Media Type Sniffing specification. Both sets of rules return a MIME type as their result. [MIMESNIFF]

It is imperative that the rules in the Media Type Sniffing specification be followed exactly. When a user agent uses different heuristics for content type detection than the server expects, security problems can occur. For more details, see the Media Type Sniffing specification. [MIMESNIFF]

2.7.4 Extracting encodings from meta elements

The algorithm for extracting an encoding from a meta element, given a string s, is as follows. It either returns an encoding or nothing.

  1. Let position be a pointer into s, initially pointing at the start of the string.

  2. Loop: Find the first seven characters in s after position that are an ASCII case-insensitive match for the word "charset". If no such match is found, return nothing and abort these steps.

  3. Skip any space characters that immediately follow the word "charset" (there might not be any).

  4. If the next character is not a U+003D EQUALS SIGN (=), then move position to point just before that next character, and jump back to the step labeled loop.

  5. Skip any space characters that immediately follow the equals sign (there might not be any).

  6. Process the next character as follows:

    If it is a U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character (") and there is a later U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character (") in s
    If it is a U+0027 APOSTROPHE character (') and there is a later U+0027 APOSTROPHE character (') in s
    Return the encoding corresponding to the string between this character and the next earliest occurrence of this character.
    If it is an unmatched U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character (")
    If it is an unmatched U+0027 APOSTROPHE character (')
    If there is no next character
    Return nothing.
    Return the encoding corresponding to the string from this character to the first space character or U+003B SEMICOLON character (;), or the end of s, whichever comes first.

This algorithm is distinct from those in the HTTP specification (for example, HTTP doesn't allow the use of single quotes and requires supporting a backslash-escape mechanism that is not supported by this algorithm). While the algorithm is used in contexts that, historically, were related to HTTP, the syntax as supported by implementations diverged some time ago. [HTTP]

2.7.5 CORS settings attributes

A CORS settings attribute is an enumerated attribute. The following table lists the keywords and states for the attribute — the keywords in the left column map to the states in the cell in the second column on the same row as the keyword.

Keyword State Brief description
anonymous Anonymous Cross-origin CORS requests for the element will not have the credentials flag set.
use-credentials Use Credentials Cross-origin CORS requests for the element will have the credentials flag set.

The empty string is also a valid keyword, and maps to the Anonymous state. The attribute's invalid value default is the Anonymous state. The missing value default, used when the attribute is omitted, is the No CORS state.

2.7.6 CORS-enabled fetch

When the user agent is required to perform a potentially CORS-enabled fetch of an absolute URL URL, with a mode mode that is either "No CORS", "Anonymous", or "Use Credentials", an origin origin, and a default origin behaviour default which is either "taint" or "fail", it must run the first applicable set of steps from the following list. The default origin behaviour is only used if mode is "No CORS". This algorithm wraps the fetch algorithm above, and labels the obtained resource as either CORS-same-origin or CORS-cross-origin, or blocks the resource entirely.

If the URL has the same origin as origin
If mode is "No CORS"

Run these substeps:

  1. Let result have no value.

  2. Fetch URL, with the manual redirect flag set.

  3. Loop: Wait for the fetch algorithm to know if the result is a redirect or not.

  4. If the result of the fetch is a redirect, and the mode is not "No CORS", and the origin of the target URL of the redirect is not the same origin as origin, then set URL to the the target URL of the redirect and return to the top of the potentially CORS-enabled fetch algorithm (this time, the branch below will be taken, resulting in the fetch being done in a CORS-aware fashion).

    Otherwise, if the result of the fetch is a redirect, and result still has no value, then apply the CORS redirect steps, with the CORS credential flag set to true and the request rules being that the user agent continue to follow these steps. If this resumes the fetch algorithm, then return to the loop step. If it failed due to a failure of the CORS resource sharing check, then: if default is fail, then set result to fail and jump to the step labeled end; if default is taint, then set result to taint, transparently follow the redirect but with the manual redirect flag no longer set, and jump to the step labeled end below.

    Otherwise, if the resource is not available (e.g. there is a network error) then set result to the same value as default, and jump to the step labeled end below.

    Otherwise, perform a resource sharing check, with the CORS credential flag set to true. If it returns fail, then set result to the same value as default; otherwise, set result to success. Then, jump to the step labeled end below.

  5. End: Jump to the appropriate step from the following list:

    If result is fail

    Discard all fetched data and prevent any tasks from the fetch algorithm from being queued. For the purposes of the calling algorithm, the user agent must act as if there was a fatal network error and no resource was obtained. The user agent may report a cross-origin resource access failure to the user (e.g. in a debugging console).

    If result is taint

    The tasks from the fetch algorithm are queued normally, but for the purposes of the calling algorithm, the obtained resource is CORS-cross-origin. The user agent may report a cross-origin resource access failure to the user (e.g. in a debugging console).

    If result is success

    The tasks from the fetch algorithm are queued normally, and for the purposes of the calling algorithm, the obtained resource is CORS-same-origin.

If mode is "Anonymous" or "Use Credentials"

Run these steps:

  1. Perform a cross-origin request with the request URL set to URL, the source origin set to origin, and the credentials flag set to true if mode is "Use Credentials" and set to false otherwise. [CORS]

  2. Wait for the CORS cross-origin request status to have a value.

  3. Jump to the appropriate step from the following list:

    If the CORS cross-origin request status is not success

    Discard all fetched data and prevent any tasks from the fetch algorithm from being queued. For the purposes of the calling algorithm, the user agent must act as if there was a fatal network error and no resource was obtained. If a CORS resource sharing check failed, the user agent may report a cross-origin resource access failure to the user (e.g. in a debugging console).

    If the CORS cross-origin request status is success

    The tasks from the fetch algorithm are queued normally, and for the purposes of the calling algorithm, the obtained resource is CORS-same-origin.